Saturday, July 4, 2009

Palin’s Resignation: Remain Above the Blog Smog

Sarah Palin’s resignation today from her post as Governor of Alaska has brought about a wave of speculation. Some of it seems baseless and pointless to entertain. Some I quite enjoy such as the blog post at Competent Conservatism which proposes that she intends “to pass the baton of victory” to Mitt. I enjoyed the analysis and am also curious as to the meaning behind her "passing the ball for victory" line. I hope it holds true that she sees Romney as worthy of her full support as well as the most accomplished and natural leader for the future of the party. If so, this is the kind of speculation I can get behind. But, more importantly, I believe most Romney supporters should remain positive in their assessments of her despite the intended goal of her withdrawal from office.

As dedicated conservatives, we stand united against the infuriating path that American Progressivism has taken our country. We must stand above the “blog smog” that naturally erupts in the absence of all the facts. More specifically, we should align ourselves in defense of Palin’s standing as a positive role model to young mothers, a loving wife, and as a plain spoken American with many of the ideals and values we all share. Meanwhile, we will continue showing unyielding support for Gov. Romney and others who are dedicated to stopping the unconstitutional and tyrannical growth of government. As a united voice, we can remain optimistic that the future efforts of Sarah Palin will yield a victory for conservatives whether she remains a private citizen or pursues other interests. Of course, foremost in my mind is the hope that she will support Mitt in his future endeavors.

So what lessons have we learned from the media’s desire to accelerate the feud amongst the GOP presidential contenders in 2008? It stands to reason that every step along the way they will attempt the same for 2012. Their biased approach was apparent then and will likely include the desire to present a quarreling group of presidential hopefuls juxtaposed against a “cool-headed” incumbent amidst his yes-men. Can you imagine the impact it would have if the GOP continued to focus on providing a united front against Obama, Reid, and Pelosi in 2010 and 2012?

The obsessive behavior and cult of personality that launched Obama into his current office surrounded the infatuation people had with ascribing all their hope for success to a single individual. Supporters have even inappropriately held him up to the level of deity. These disturbing trends point to unwelcome signs of idolatry in our public, a key factor in the downfall and eventual destruction of civilizations. In order to bring about a victory for our Republic in the coming years we are going to need a return of constitutional defenders to D.C. In his book Turnaround, Gov. Romney showcased how he exercised his leadership and ability to decide on complex issues by weighing incredibly exhaustive input from several sources. Much of the success we can expect from him will not come from his assumption of the Oval Office alone, but also by the expertise and qualifications of those whom he will place in his administration. It will not consist of a group of yes-men and like-minded social progressives who lavish praise upon him as Obama’s followers do currently.

We must set a better standard by not joining the fray of those seeking to defame and discredit Palin and instead include her voice to the many who seek the return of our founding principles. When the primaries conclude, we will depend on a broad base of conservatives, libertarians, patriots, and free men and women everywhere to stand against the perversion of our government and vote for the return of our status as the greatest nation on Earth. May God bless our efforts and the United States of America.
Happy 4th of July!


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