Friday, March 6, 2009

Our Foundation

The current nature of our government which has embraced the mantra of "change" is nothing less than an adherence to a self-serving ideology espoused by those who are antagonist to our nation's founding principles.

Our nation was built upon a strong foundation. The inspired men who risked their lives in opposition to the governing philosophies of fear, control, and dependence were given the greatest opportunity afforded to man in our recent history. They set forth to establish a land where liberty would reign. And this land of freedom would be open to all who would abide by its precepts. The guiding principles were firmly rooted in the understanding that our independence was reliant upon our continued desire for righteousness, our pursuit of a higher purpose beyond ourselves, and the willingness to defend our God-given freedom with our words and with our very own blood.

As a nation we have been charged with maintaining our own prosperity, the fate of which has always been of our own choosing. If we are to sacrifice our liberty on the altar of "change" then we will have abandoned the foundation of our land and our house will be as that which was built upon sand.

As a new era of government control begins to spread as a blinding veil over the eyes of an unwary nation, the vision of our founders seems all the more prescient. Now, we who have cried out in choruses for our fleeting independence seek to be heard as our fore-fathers once were.

To whom should the sacred trust be given to guide a nation in such a time of trial? Has a wave of buyer's remorse washed over many of whom have placed their faith and hope in the promises made by a man of "change"? Do more men now look to those leaders who evoke the spirit of our very foundation? One such man was trampled under foot during the defense of his faith, a glaring rebuke of our predecessors long fought battle against such tyranny.
As desperate hordes eagerly clamored to crown a new king, many new witnesses to our nation's ongoing struggle were born. We have seen the change in recent days that herald the arrival of economic and social decay and increased government control, and the need for strong new leadership may never have seemed so clear.

And it is my hope that the greater majority of Americans will one day cast off the false assertions of "change" and choose a leader who aspires only to return us to our great foundation given to us by way of our founding fathers through the divine guidance of our Creator.

Mitt Romney for President

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